Greetings, cyber enthusiasts! Welcome to the world of your friendly neighborhood Hackerboi - an IT security Nerd and curious student who relishes the art of website probing and crafting nifty tools for exploration. Venture through my virtual playground of projects and let's elevate each other with insightful feedback and shared wisdom. Together, we can shape a more secure digital future!
Red in the head. Blue in the heart."

Welcome to my Domain ~

Low-level: C
High-level: Python & Java
Web: Html/Css & Javascript.
Query languages: MySql & KQL.
Scripting: Bash & Ducky.
Other: Tableu
Favorite OS: Kali & Debian <3

”Haha wow! He hack!”

Mabel Higgins

”He is a man of Python. He snek.”

- Brian realman

Every day, like a sleep-deprived hamster on a never-ending wheel, he's out there battling the binary.”

- GPT4

”10/10 would click link again.”

- That one employee