Greetings, cyber enthusiasts! Welcome to the world of your friendly neighborhood Hackerboi - an IT security Nerd who finds joy in the art of website probing and making tools. I hope you find anything I post useful! (´◡`)
Red in the head. Blue in the heart."

Welcome to my Domain ~

Low-level: C
High-level: Python & Java
Web: Html/Css & Javascript.
Query languages: MySql & KQL.
Scripting: Bash & Ducky.
Other: Tableu
Favorite OS: Kali & Debian <3

”Haha wow! He hack!”

Mabel Higgins

”He is a man of Python. He snek.”

- Brian realman

Every day, like a sleep-deprived hamster on a never-ending wheel, he's out there battling the binary.”

- GPT4

”10/10 would click link again.”

- That one employee